swelling pressure

英 [ˈswelɪŋ ˈpreʃə(r)] 美 [ˈswelɪŋ ˈpreʃər]

网络  膨胀压; 溶胀压; 膨胀力; 膨胀压力



  1. The cyst was causing swelling and exerting pressure on her brain.
  2. A formula of fluid swelling pressure ( FSP) has been presented under the conditions of hypothesis testing in combination with the data collection in geothermal-geological fieldwork.
  3. Objective: Using Apocynum venetum as a model drug to prepare pulsed-release tablets based on diffusion, swelling, osmotic pressure mechanism and to evaluate the release characteristics.
  4. Compared with the higher suction specimens, the development rate of swelling pressure of specimens with the lower suction is inferior at early stage, but it becomes superior after a period of time.
  5. Evolution of the swelling pressure is affected by both the dry density and the initial suction of the specimens.
  6. The equilibrium time of the maximum swelling pressure relates to the dry density, while the initial suction does not play an important role in it.
  7. According to the tests results, it is concluded that: the vertical swelling pressure is remarkably decreased with the increase of small swelling strain;
  8. Experiment Research on One-dimensional Swelling Pressure of Remolded Expansive Clay in Middle Route Project of South-to-North Water Transfer
  9. For the Gaomiaozi bentonite tested here, there is an exponential relationship between swelling pressure and dry density; and dry density is an important factor influencing swelling pressure.
  10. By using the swelling-odometer we made ourselves, we have performed lateral restricted swelling test and swelling pressure test.
  11. The characterization of the clays and the criteria followed for their further selection were those already accepted by the international community: mineralogical purity, retention properties, plasticity, low permeability, high swelling pressure and thermal conductivity.
  12. By analysing testing data, we do a study of relations between lateral swelling strain and water content, between lateral swelling strain and axial loading, and between swelling pressure and water content.
  13. For compacted stabilized expansive soils, this research has performed laboratory tests to investigate the influence of initial state parameters ( water content and dry density) and different testing conditions on swell percent, swelling pressure, CBR value and modulus of resilience.
  14. According the test results, three-dimensional swelling pressure were unequal.
  15. And dry density γ d, degree of saturation sr, water content ω, strength and swelling pressure p of expansive soil are researched. The results show that the relationship between c, tan?
  16. The criterion for discriminating the swelling pressure is the ratio of the gravity field to the compressive strength.
  17. A new calculation method for the lateral pressure produced by expansive clay behind retaining walls is given in consideration of the swelling pressure of fissured clay on absorbing water combined with the distribution of lateral earth pressures of clay on retaining walls.
  18. Research also shows that the variation of the strength and swelling-induced deformation of the sandstone and the development of swelling pressure in the sandstone obviously depend on its water content.
  19. Study on swelling pressure and its test method
  20. The Role of Swelling Pressure in the Shear Strength Theory of Unsaturated Soils
  21. On this foundation, the determination method of treatment depth for subgrade paved with expansive soil is proposed based on the relationship of swelling pressure and unloaded expansibility.
  22. Driving forces of the expansion are crystallization pressure brought about by growth of Mg ( OH)_2 crystals and swelling pressure, which is caused by water adsorption of the Mg ( OH)_2 crystals, but the latter plays a less important role.
  23. A site including expansive soil layer with high swelling pressure is chosen to illustrate the influence of thickness and position of expansive soil layer on upheaval deformations.
  24. By test of swelling pressure and expansion rate with cutting ring sample under different pressure, it is found that restrained pressure has obvious influence on expansive soil's expansibility: the greater restrained
  25. Ribution of lateral swelling pressure and the method of deign and computation of retaining wall in expansive soil area
  26. The correlative curve of the expansive pressure and the unloaded expansibility is established by means of swelling pressure test of eighteen representative soils selected from Hefei. It provides reliable references for determining the treatment depth of subgrade.
  27. The soundless cracking agent ( SCA) is a kind of expansive powder which produced expansion of solids and swelling pressure after the hydration reaction, became popular for cutting or cracking rock, concrete, stone and other brittle solid materials.
  28. According to water-physical properties test of the swelling rock, index of swelling pressure and swelling ration, etc. is gained.
  29. Proteoglycan and collagen from notochord cells through swelling pressure to resist the mainly compression force.